NEW! Comprehensive Notification Services (CNS)

Written by Joan on February 23, 2017. Posted in Blog

February 23, 2017

Now we have an alternative way to keep your catalog up to date after the initial authorities processing/RDA Conversion project has been completed, through Comprehensive Notification Service (CNS).

We will retain both a copy of the matching authority records we supplied as well as the updated bibliographic records.  You should continue to send us new cataloging through Overnight Authorities Service on any time frame desired—daily, weekly, monthly, etc.  There’s never a minimum order, the work is done overnight, and updated bib records are posted the next business day for FTP retrieval, along with any requested reports.  The results of this processing are added to both the retained bib and authority files.

Then at the frequency of the library’s choosing, we will re-process the bibliographic records using all the same specifications, returning to the library only the changed bibliographic records, any NEW authority records, as well as authority records changed or deleted by LC, along with any reports.

Why would a library choose this subscription instead of Standard Notification Service?

CNS is a desirable method of maintaining records if your library’s ILS or library service platform does not have the function to fully update the corresponding bibliographic record with the corrected access point.  Sometimes the system has the capability but has difficulty converting the entire string in an access point.  CNS keeps a copy of your bibliographic records and the authority record files provide by MARCIVE.  The library chooses how often to update:  Quarterly, Semi-annual or Annual.  Pricing varies depending on the size of the bibliographic file, and how often you request the update. We ask you to list preferred dates for the bib updates.

What’s included with the Comprehensive Authorities Notification Service?

1.     Flip of access points to current LC practice.  This includes the update of access points that were not recognized when we did the initial processing.
2.     Inclusion of any NEW authority records on matched access points.
3.     Inclusion of any CHANGED authority records on access points that first matched during the initial processing, and any authority records deleted by LC.  It additionally includes differentiated authority records which were formerly undifferentiated.
4.     Undifferentiated-Differentiated.

In identified bib records, the access point will now match to a new authority record and the bib record will be changed.  Note:  several sources are used (e.g. 670 field, VIAF record, etc.) to verify a proper match.

5.     Partial matches that become full-string matches.
6.     Terms that change tagging.
7.     Fields that reflect changes in RDA.

What’s NOT included in Comprehensive Authorities Notification Service (CNS)?

If any type of enrichment (TOC, Summaries, Fiction/Biography data, Lexile or Accelerated Reader) is a part of your profile, that data will not be added during the re-processing of the bibliographic records during CNS.  This only happens during Overnight Authorities Service, or as a stand-alone project.

Commonly Asked Questions ABOUT CNS

1.     It’s time for my first update, and I haven’t yet sent any new records for processing, but I want them included.  What should I do?

MARCIVE Response:  Go ahead and send the file now, just as you normally would through Overnight Authorities Processing.  You’ll be charged the standard rates for this work.  These bibliographic records will be included in the update and will be added to the retained bib file.

2.     It’s time for our update, and our systems librarian is out on medical leave.  Can we re-schedule?

MARCIVE Response:  Yes.  Let us know when you are ready for this work.  Remember that you have pre-paid for the subscription and your updates need to occur within the subscription year.

3.     We have performed a large weeding project in our library and deleted a number of bibliographic records.  How do we let you know what we have deleted?

MARCIVE Response:  There are two ways to do this.  We can provide directions for sending us the control numbers of the bibliographic records to be deleted, and they will be removed from your history at the quoted rates.  The alternative method is to send us your entire bib file again, and we will replace your retained bib file with the new one.  Contact your Marketing Representative for a quote.

4.     We’re completing our profile with MARCIVE, and are trying to decide which Notification subscription is best for us.  Can you help us choose?

MARCIVE Response:  CNS was created in response to those libraries stating that while their ILS or LSP could update the main bib access point in a string using an updated authority record, often it could not update it if there were subfields included.

If your system can reliably perform this function, then we would suggest you choose the Standard Notification Subscription. Authority records are retained in your “history file.”  Also, we retain any unmatched headings for future updates through the NewMatch option.  You send new cataloging to us through Overnight Authorities Service, and any authority records produced are compared to your history file, and only those new to you are distributed.  These new authority records are added to your history file, which continues to grow.  With this subscription, you’ll rely on your local ILS or LSP to use the monthly files of changed/deleted authority records to update the associated bib records.  The advantage to this subscription is that because you get monthly updates, your catalog will be more current and in sync.

If your system has an issue with using an authority record to update an entire access point string, or there are problems running authority updates on a monthly basis, then CNS would likely be the better option.  Your entire bib file will be completely refreshed at the time interval of your choice and will include any new standard bibliographic processing functions that we have added.  The library does need to be aware that any access point that is processed through authorities processing and RDA conversion may overlay and therefore remove any in-house editing unless internal protections have been put in place.

5.     We are planning to do authorities processing/RDA conversion in preparation for migrating from a legacy system to ExLibris Alma.  We won’t be able to or need to do any ongoing authority work, will we?

MARCIVE Response:  According to reports from Alma users, there is an internal mechanism to automatically link bib access points to an external authority file.  However, this doesn’t always work as well as expected.  While Alma users don’t have the need for authority records, we can still process new cataloging through Overnight Authorities after the initial project has been performed, and more importantly, refresh the bib file on a periodic basis through CNS.  This frees the cataloging staff from having to continually confirm that bib access points are indeed being updated.  Additionally as described above, the library will benefit from any new options that have been developed as a result of RDA and other new cataloging standards and implemented for this service.

Further questions?  Would like some examples of changes provided through CNS? Give us a call at 1-800-531-7678 or email us at [email protected], and we will be happy to discuss your options and provide pricing.

Written by Joan Chapa, MLS


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