Item Field Build


f you are implementing a new Integrated Library Systems (ILS), a work-saving way to create piece-level records is to have MARCIVE build item information fields in your MARC records. The ILS will create item records from these fields, so that your staff do not have to create holdings manually.

The standard MARC field for holdings data was established after many vendors had already created their own specifications. Each vendor has a specification sheet indicating how the data should be built, typically in fields such as 852 or 949. At a minimum, the field usually contains:

  1. barcode number (generated sequentially)
  2. location or library
  3. call number
  4. copy/volume information

However, the way the fields are built differs depending on the needs of the system (call number split, stamps or prefixes, additional fields for circulation, acquisition, or provenance data), number of libraries supplying data, source of the data (output from a legacy system, OCLC, or MARCIVE), and project (smart barcode production, reclassification, shelflist conversion, brief record upgrade, migration to a new system, or deduplication).