Standard Notification Service


ake sure your catalog stays up-to-date and consistent long after initial Authorities Processing work is done on it. With our Standard Notification Service, we’ll send you a file of new and updated authority records each month. Just load the file and save your staff the tedious work of checking for new headings and performing record-by-record updates.

For no extra cost, we’ll also hold any unmatched heading and provide you with the correct authority record when it becomes available from LC, LAC, or NLM. Learn more about NewMatch.

We now have a new way to provide maintenance on both your bibliographic and authorities files, with Comprehensive Notification Service.  For more information, see Section 8 of the Authorities Processing Profile: Guide.


Literature & Forms

Detailed Description of Authorities Services

Authorities Profile Complete this form to start using our ongoing Authorities Services

Authorities Profile Guide Helpful in answering questions about how to fill out the Authorities Services Profile

Ongoing Authorities FAQ

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