Overnight Authorities


eep your catalog consistent by passing new bib records through Authorities Processing. Our Overnight Authorities service quickly reviews and standardizes new records – even if the cataloging didn’t come from MARCIVE. There are no file minimums and you can upload records to us whenever you want – we’ll get them back to you the next business day.

Enrichment (Table of Contents, Fiction/Biography, and Summaries) can be added conveniently and affordably at the same time. Reading notes (Lexile Measures® and Accelerated Reader) can be added for free.

RDACS (RDA Conversion Service) can also be added to current cataloging processed through Overnight Authorities at no cost to the library.

Ready to use our Authorities Processing services?

When you are ready to start the process, contact a marketing representative for a version of the profile that you can fill in. Completing a profile is the first step to keeping your database current and consistent.

Literature & Forms

Detailed Description of Authorities Services

Authorities Profile Complete this form to start using our ongoing Authorities Services

Authorities Profile Guide Helpful in answering questions about how to fill out the Authorities Services Profile

Ongoing Authorities FAQ

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