Posts Tagged ‘$0 (uri)’

Added Benefits of Comprehensive Notification (CNS)

Written by Joan on July 31, 2017. Posted in Blog, General

July 31, 2017

Our new Comprehensive Notification Service (CNS) has many good benefits and one, in particular, was illustrated with the recent quarterly re-processing of a customer’s bibliographic file.

It was noted that 97.9% of their bibliographic records would be returned to them because of one or more changes made.  Earlier this year, the MARC Advisory Committee made the recommendation to remove the use of a Parenthetical Prefix
“(uri)” in MARC21 linking subfields when the identifier is in the form of a web retrieval protocol.  This change was implemented in our processing, and impacted this customer’s records.  A small percentage of records were not returned, only because we had already previously processed them through Overnight Authorities Service, with the new programming already in place. Ultimately, 100% of their records were affected, bringing them up to current practice.

As national standards change, and we incorporate those improvements into our work, CNS libraries will reap the benefits when the bib file that we have retained for them is entirely re-processed at a frequency of their choice.

For more information on how CNS can provide benefits to your library, go to

Written by Joan Chapa, MLS
