Posts Tagged ‘Innovative Interfaces’

MARCIVE Participates in GPO Webinar

Written by Joan on September 8, 2017. Posted in Blog

September 8, 2017

The GPO (Government Publishing Office) is initiating its eighth year of the Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP), with MARCIVE as the contractor.

On September 7, 2017 MARCIVE participated in a webinar hosted by GPO titled Cataloging Record Distribution Program Workflows.  Jim Noel, our Manager of GPO Services was the first speaker and he briefly discussed the process in which we receive new cataloging records from GPO each month and process them for both CRDP participants as well as for our paid subscribers.  Approximately 95 people signed up for the webinar, with about half of them already involved in the CRDP.

Three current participants representing libraries of different types and with different library systems gave a brief overview of how they process the monthly files, the decisions that were made, and tips for handling issues.

1.     Oregon State Library.  This library selects approximately 55% of all GPO item numbers and is a shared regional depository library for the state.  They use the SirsiDynix Symphony system.  Arlene Weibel shared how she loads the records, makes some local edits, and exports record numbers to OCLC to reflect holdings.  She also gave the pros and cons of receiving changed records.

2.     Auburn University.  Although the Ralph Brown Draughon Library selects almost 100%, they are not a regional depository and select almost exclusively electronic-only titles.  They use the ExLibris Voyager system and have a home-grown link tracker.  Liza Weisbrod explained how although they are aware that they can eliminate older cataloging records distributed by GPO, they prefer to receive them since much of their legacy collection is uncataloged.  She did say that dealing with the older records can be time-consuming.

3.     Newark Public Library.  As the largest public Library in New Jersey, they are the regional for the state.  They use the III Millennium system and have been a MARCIVE customer since 1997.  Laura Saurs explained that they still get a paid subscription for authority records matching the CRDP cataloging.  Newark creates their own item records and uses their catalog as a shelflist.  They also get the Historic Shelflist records, an option which is available through the CRDP.

We appreciate having these seasoned librarians sharing their CRDP experiences, and their willingness to answer any system-specific questions!

Written by Joan Chapa, MLS

A Tale of Two Libraries

Written by Joan on April 28, 2015. Posted in Blog


At the recent IUG (Innovative Users Group) Conference in Minneapolis, two very different libraries had the opportunity to tell their stories about their RDA Conversion experiences.  Both use the III Sierra system, did a backfile project with authorities processing and free RDA conversion, and both use MARCIVE for ongoing authorities maintenance.  But that’s where all the similarities end.  “A Tale of Two Libraries: RDA Conversion from an academic and a public library perspective”  details diverse reasons for doing RDA remediation on legacy data, and the planning involved for such a project.

Dana Miller from University of Nevada at Reno spoke about her academic library’s project.  They are a long-time MARCIVE customer with a large database of over 1.3 million bibliographic records.  Lori Thorrat of Cuyahoga County Public Library is a brand-new customer from a very high-profile, medium-sized public library in Cleveland, Ohio.

The speakers did an excellent job explaining the funding, system preparation, profiling, and outcome of their individual projects.  See the academic experience here, and the public library experience here.

Please feel to contact these libraries with any questions about their experiences.  Need a quote and/or further information?  Please contact us at [email protected]!

Written by Joan Chapa, MLS
