Posts Tagged ‘QLSP’

Help your Spanish Speakers Find Materials in your Catalog

Written by Joan on April 12, 2021. Posted in General

April 12, 2021

MARCIVE has added new processing where we verify access points in the Spanish Language in your bibliographic records.  Having the language in your database can make your catalog discoverable by keyword search to your Spanish-speaking patrons.  The Queens Borough Public Library (QLSP) created these Spanish headings as a project in 2008, and has made them publicly available for some time.  The headings are static and are not being updated, however MARCIVE can validate theses QLSP headings in your records at no extra charge to our authorities processing customers.  Contact [email protected] for further information.

Examples: ____________________________________________________________________________

Incoming bib record:               650 _7 $a Habitantes de apartamentos $2 qlsp

Verified by MARCIVE as:         650 _7 $a Habitantes de apartamentos $2 qlsp

Incoming bib record:               655 _7 $a Materiales en español $2 qlsp

Verified by MARCIVE as:         655 _7 $a Materiales en español $2 qlsp
