he MARCIVE team is a group of experienced library professionals who are ready to put their expertise to work for you. Get to know a little more about our team by clicking on any of the names below to read a bio.
Robert Fleming, President
Scott Fleming, Chief Operating Officer
Business Office
Cynthia Fleming, Executive Vice President
Kristina Fleming, Vice President
Charity Fleming, Subscription Administrator
Marketing & Sales
Ligia Gomez, MLS, Director of Marketing and Sales
Authority Control and Production
Candy Riley, MLIS, Manager of Metadata Services
Lisa Cavalear, MLS, Metadata Librarian
Customer Service and GPO Support
Jim Noël, MLS, Manager of GPO Services
Wanda Leasman, Operations Manager, GPO Support
Janet Hash, Secretary/Receptionist
Research & Development
Fred Rodgers, Director of Research and Development
David Potter, Principal Software Developer
Carol Love, Programmer/Analyst