Resource Description and Access (RDA)

Written by Joan on May 29, 2012. Posted in Authorities


he transition to Resource Description and Access has begun. Are you ready?

MARCIVE is ready to help you, with new options available since January 2013.

Education is the first step. LC is doing their part by posting their in-house training plan and sessions for all librarians to use. See below for links to the Catalogers Learning Workshop to give your staff the same training as LC’s.

Gauge your library system’s readiness. Your vendor has likely made changes to accept new fields. How records will be searched, indexed, and displayed is an ongoing process.

Load new and changed authority records. RDA authority records exist side by side with AACR2 authorities in both your system and LC’s. Have a method for the automatic upgrade of authority records, such as MARCIVE’s Standard and Comprehensive Notification Services.

Develop a plan for making your catalog consistent. MARCIVE representatives will work with you to evaluate your library’s needs and help you make a plan. Authorities processing is an excellent way to ready your database. Ask about our RDA options.

We have now performed over 100 conversions for academic, public, school, law, and special libraries of all sizes, with various systems, and different characteristics.  Call the experts for advice on your own individual project.

We speak RDA!




Cataloging Record Distribution Program for FY2024

Written by Joan on August 18, 2010. Posted in Government Documents


he U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has provided government document record distribution at no cost to libraries since 2009 through the Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP). Currently, 235 libraries participate in the program. However, in August 2024, the GPO announced that the CRDP will close in March 2025.

MARCIVE, along with its participants, is saddened by this news. Nonetheless, we continue to offer government cataloging services, and participating libraries can switch to our paid subscription to ensure uninterrupted service. The MARCIVE Enhanced GPO Database Service provides depository libraries with a cost-effective and convenient method for obtaining cataloging of publications distributed by the U.S. GPO.

Existing CRDP libraries should contact MARCIVE with any questions regarding subscription changes or other technical concerns.

Smart Barcode Production

Written by Emily Garner on August 2, 2010. Posted in Database Cleanup


ost Integrated Library Systems (ILS) use a piece-specific number printed on a label to identify the item throughout the system. The most common method is a barcode label, although some systems use OCR or RFID. MARCIVE will create barcode labels for any project.

To save work, consider having smart barcode labels created from your MARC data. We will build item fields that contain a unique number for each item and print that number on the matching barcode label (along with the book’s title, call number, and library).  

Once the bib records with item fields are loaded into your ILS, you do not have to scan the barcode. The label is ready to apply and the piece is ready to circulate.

The barcodes are printed in call number order to make the barcoding process easier.

Generic Barcode Production

At the same time, you can order generic (or “dumb”) barcodes to use for pieces that were not part of the database processing project. Generic labels look like the smart labels except lack a call number or title.

Generic barcodes are also available to libraries that are not doing a project but want barcode labels on hand for cataloging.

Item Field Build

Written by Emily Garner on August 2, 2010. Posted in Database Cleanup


f you are implementing a new Integrated Library Systems (ILS), a work-saving way to create piece-level records is to have MARCIVE build item information fields in your MARC records. The ILS will create item records from these fields, so that your staff do not have to create holdings manually.

The standard MARC field for holdings data was established after many vendors had already created their own specifications. Each vendor has a specification sheet indicating how the data should be built, typically in fields such as 852 or 949. At a minimum, the field usually contains:

  1. barcode number (generated sequentially)
  2. location or library
  3. call number
  4. copy/volume information

However, the way the fields are built differs depending on the needs of the system (call number split, stamps or prefixes, additional fields for circulation, acquisition, or provenance data), number of libraries supplying data, source of the data (output from a legacy system, OCLC, or MARCIVE), and project (smart barcode production, reclassification, shelflist conversion, brief record upgrade, migration to a new system, or deduplication).

MarciveWeb DOCS

Written by Emily Garner on July 19, 2010. Posted in Services


or fast, targeted searches of government publications MarciveWeb DOCS is your best choice. Regardless of whether you’re a depository library, MarciveWeb DOCS provides accurate, current information about U.S. government documents via the Internet. There is no software to install or updates to worry about. Once your account is established anyone in your library system can access this rich resource 24/7.

Customize your MarciveWeb DOCS subscription to indicate to patrons if your library holds a copy of a document, and if not, what local and national libraries do. When applicable, hotlinks to URLs of full text documents on the Internet are included so patrons can get exactly what they need right away. Patrons can even limit their searches to just electronic documents so they’re sure to have immediate access to the resources their searches return.

The MarciveWeb DOCS database is the most comprehensive GPO database on the web. It’s updated weekly and contains full records back to 1976.  Beginning with the September 2010 update, records from the GPO Historic Shelflist began to be added.

MarciveWeb DOCS is accessed via the Internet. There is no software to install or updates to worry about.

Documents Without Shelves – Law Libraries

Written by Emily Garner on July 19, 2010. Posted in Documents Without Shelves


treamline your patron’s searches by including just those electronic government documents with relevance to the law in your online catalog. Over 250,000 titles are available. You don’t have to be a government depository to provide patrons access directly from your catalog to these documents. Simply subscribe to MARCIVE’s Documents Without Shelves for Law Libraries and we’ll send your full MARC records, complete with URLs, to load into your catalog.

A yearly subscription includes monthly updates to ensure you have the latest documents as well as current links.

Documents Without Shelves – Standard Service

Written by Emily Garner on July 19, 2010. Posted in Documents Without Shelves


rovide your patrons with access to over 250,000 titles published by the GPO directly from your catalog. We’ll provide full MARC records with PURLs for government documents available online. Load them into your catalog and patrons will be able to link directly to full text government documents. A yearly subscription includes monthly updates to ensure you have the latest documents as well as current links.

Shipping List Services

Written by Emily Garner on July 19, 2010. Posted in Government Documents


et your government documents in your catalog and on the shelf faster and easier with MARCIVE’s Shipping List Service. We offer:

  • MARC-formatted Brief Records – Receive brief-level cataloging records from us weekly for the items in your library’s item number range. With brief records you’ll get documents checked in faster and give patrons keyword access.
  • Smart Barcode Labels to accompany electronic records.
  • SuDoc Number Labels that help make your physical documents shelf-ready faster and give a professional look to  your collection.

Subscribe to any or all of our Shipping List Services – discounts available when you subscribe to all three services!


Written by Emily Garner on July 14, 2010. Posted in ERIC MARC Records


RIC provides a wealth of research and information for everyone in your community, not just teachers. If your ERIC documents on microfiche are taking up space but not getting used we can help by providing full MARC records for them in your online catalog.

MARCIVE’s ERIC MARC Record Service provides MARC records for all 436,000 microfiche as well as for documents now being made available online so patrons can link straight from your catalog to the complete document.

Choose the ERIC MARC Record Service that’s right for you and your budget:
• all records dating from the 1960s to the present, most with URLs
• only records for the microfiche collection
• only records with URLs

U.S. federal government document depositories may request special handling of ERIC MARC records that match U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) records.  We have identified about 25,000 records in the ERIC MARC Record database that represent titles for which cataloging was created and distributed by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).  GPO stopped creation and distribution of cataloging for ERIC documents in 2004 when ERIC ceased microfiche production. Handling of this 25,000-record subset:
• exclude these records.
• mark these records.
• upgrade these records. The library’s ERIC extraction will contain all the records and the subset will have either SuDoc numbers or Item Numbers or both.


Written by Emily Garner on July 14, 2010. Posted in Reclassification


hether you’re switching from Dewey to Library of Congress, moving away from a local cataloging system, or merging collections, MARCIVE’s Reclassification services can help you streamline and ease the transition. We’ll change the call numbers in your MARC records and create new book labels.

How Do You Charge for Reclassification?

Complete the questionnaire.  We’ll ask you a few questions and review a sample file of your records and then provide you with an estimate.